Active Bodies 14 Week program

Jacaranda’s adopts a holistic approach to the health and wellbeing of its clients and therefore runs programs to increase client’s confidence and self-esteem such as art classes, a walking group and cooking classes.

Jacaranda ran its Active Bodies 9 week fitness classes for its clients at the Belmont Oasis Recreation Centre. A mixture of fitness classes was offered, such as Cross Fit, Boxing, Aqua Aerobics and Pilates. The classes were run to cater for a range of fitness levels. A crèche facility was provided for 8 children, allowing mums to attend. Morning tea was also provided as many of Jacaranda’s clients are expected to be at risk of diabetes and other health conditions. It is also culturally appropriate to provide food for events aimed at Indigenous clients.

The target group were existing clients of Jacaranda that are underprivileged or in hardship. They do not have the money to engage in fitness classes on a regular basis. Many of the clients have mental health issues (e.g. depression) and lack the self-esteem and confidence to begin exercising regularly by themselves. The provision of a crèche will also provide mothers who might otherwise be unable to access fitness classes due to the additional cost of a crèche with the opportunity to increase their activity levels. Jacaranda hopes to motivate them to start exercising and embrace an active lifestyle through this program.

As an incentive for participating in the program clients are given a new pair of shoes with the hope that client’s would continue to participate in further fitness activities.