This program is under the Aboriginal Advancement Strategy, through the National Indigenous Australian Agency. This program is for families with children attending school in the Belmont area.
Jacaranda Family Support Team has various roles however a strong focus is on the following:
Identify and Engage with Indigenous Families that are at Risk and live in Belmont and surrounding areas.
Support Indigenous Families to give children a good start in life through early childhood development, care education and school readiness.
Increasing the capacity of Indigenous Families and Communities to engage with Schools and other providers.
Where necessary referrals to Strong Families, Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Service, Counselling.
Family Support can attend Strong Family Meetings, Court, Schools and Hospitals etc.
Can provide Group programs as well as one to one family case management.
A Men’s Group is run at our centre as part of this program.
Outreach through Home Visits is also available.
Elders meetings.
We follow guidelines set out by the Commonwealth Government for the Vulnerable and Disadvantaged Access Strategy (VADCAS). Jacaranda has an access Strategy in place.

Previously the program was through the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.